Make your hotel stand out

As an independent player, your hotel digital marketing success hinges on resourcefulness—and a heaping dose of creativity.

Make your hotel brand stand out with the help of a hotel copywriter

Hospitality copywriting is the backbone of a robust hotel marketing campaign. What you write has the power to grow awareness, draw attention, and properly align your hotel’s positioning with the hotel’s branding. Get captivating copy that connects with—and converts more—customers today.

Are you tired of fighting tooth and nail to capture a booker’s attention?

You’re not alone!

(Shout out to all the independent hotel brands and small family-run hotels out there.)

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of other (equally awesome) accommodation options travelers can choose from in your area. And every one of those chain hotels, boutique hotels and resorts, ski chalets, guesthouses, and B&Bs are marketing their properties online.

That’s right.

It’s a hotel marketing battlefield đŸ’„.

And the frustrating truth is, capturing a reader’s imagination; inspiring interest in what you have to offer; and then turning booking intent into a confirmed booking is no easy feat. If it were, you’d be fully booked all the time, right?

Gaining people’s attention in the hyper-crowded hotel industry is a real challenge.

After all, you’re up against international hotel chains and their gargantuan budgets 💰. You also have to compete with the “live like a local” experience (plus often lower rates) offered by homestays and holiday home rentals. But that’s not all. If growing awareness and grabbing attention weren’t tough enough, another struggle is reaching—and appealing to—the right people!

We’re talking about people ready and willing to become guests.

Not those “just looking” around your website. Nor those who like đŸ‘đŸ» your aesthetic posts or leave heart-eye emoji comments on your IG—and that’s the end of it. Also, maybe less of those who book now only to cancel said reservation a short while later. Talk about disappointing!

Also, how do you successfully engage a younger generation (read: Gen Z and Millennials) of travelers?

Because let’s face it: Young travelers can’t be ignored. They’re a force to be reckoned with today—and they’re the guests of tomorrow!

So, how do you attract more of YOUR ideal 👌 hotel guests?

Whether you’re targeting solo travelers, couples, groups of friends, (multi-generational) families, senior travelers, or business tourists—start by making sure your hotel stands out.

When you dare to be different, you cut through the noise 📣!

Let me tell you what doesn’t work and that’s doing what every Tom, Dick, and Harry is doing.

Being a copycat—“if it works for that well-known brand, then it’s bound to work for mine”—simply won’t cut it.

Here’s why.

If you mirror others’ pretty websites, yours is no longer something special. If you imitate others’ writing styles, yours doesn’t pull readers in because it’s just more of the same. And if you insist on using tired hotel copywriting cliches, well, that’s just boring 😒. Trust me, your readers have 100% seen it before—on every other website before they clicked through to yours!

What wins in the hotel booking war? Strong branding.

A memorable brand—a hotel that people can’t wait to stay at—begins with stand-out hotel copywriting. Yes, selling more rooms starts with the right words.

Because without the name recall, reputation, or marketing prowess of an international hotel chain to rely on, those thoughtfully-chosen words suddenly carry so much more weight!

Now don’t get me wrong: Copywriting isn’t a silver bullet for hotel online marketing problems. But it is the foundation of a robust marketing campaign—and vital for your independent hotel’s survival.

What you write brings your brand to life; paints a picture of what setting foot on your property will be like; and builds anticipation. And on the technical side, the right words can give your website a tremendous boost on search engines. They improve your ranking and, therefore, your hotel’s findability 🔍 anywhere in the world.

In short, hospitality copywriting is so much more than sticking to your brand voice and getting your tone right. It’s about describing your hotel’s features—and sharing your one-of-a-kind story—in a way that gets you found and has people excited about becoming your guest. So excited, in fact, that they don’t hesitate to hit the “book now” button!

That’s exactly why you want to work with a savvy hospitality copywriter.

That’s why you’re searching for a hotel copywriter, right?

Or, at the very least, why you’re leaning towards collaborating with a hotel writer. (Smart move, by the way!)

An articulate, analytical, and versatile hotel copywriter who flexes her creativity, so you aren’t stuck with bland, templated, or repetitive text. A passionate storyteller who captivates your desired audience—and motivates them to take action.

Hey 👋 that’s me!

So, what’s the key to magnetic hotel copy?

Two words: Radiant Copywriting.

Hi, my name is Stephanie and I’m your go-to hotel copywriter for projects big and small, guest-facing or B2B. Also, I LOVE 💖 everything about hotels. Not exaggerating—if I could live in one, I would.

I look forward to waking up in the comfiest of cloud-like beds, dream of sumptuous hotel breakfasts, and count down the days for unparalleled views from the infinity pool.

That enthusiasm shines through in my writing.

From content your target audience will enjoy (and share) to bringing your brand to life online (and in print), I’m confident what I write will bolster your hospitality digital marketing efforts! 

Scroll down to the next section for an overview of my conversion-focused hotel copywriting solutions. That is, all the ways we will set your independent hotel apart—and get you more bookings.

The right words will help you sell more rooms.

What do you need to cut through the  noise? A hotel copywriter!

Here’s what you need to cut through the noise

Make your hotel stand out with these hotel copywriting solutions

Hotel website copywriting

From your area to the world 🌎

Your hotel’s website is your true home on the web, your main channel of communication. It’s also the #1 destination for people interested in staying at your property! Give them all the information they need, trigger their wanderlust, and motivate them to book direct. From image-building to hotel SEO, my guest-driven hotel copywriting does the heavy-lifting.

Hotel landing page copy

More leads, more sales 🚀

Make the most—and get the most—out of your marketing landing pages.

✅ Advertise too-good-to-miss special offers.

✅ Inspire hotel upsells and cross-sells.

✅ Boost hotel newsletter sign-ups.

I’m the conversion copywriter you want for all your hotel’s direct response copywriting needs.

B2B and B2C hotel presentations

Hotel presentations that sell 💰

Impress potential guests and business partners with compelling hospitality copywriting that’s always on brand and on time. Hotel brochures, flyers, and presentations—whatever your sales reps need, I’ve got you covered!

Hotel content marketing

Hotel blog and in-room collateral đŸ”„

Attract your target audience. Build an engaged community. Enchant with top-tier hotel, F&B, and destination content that has readers coming back for more. Whether lighthearted or noteworthy, entertaining or insightful, informative or educational, I write high-impact hospitality & in-room collateral; hotel lead magnets; and articles and blog content perfect for your market.

Hotel email marketing

Better emails, period 😍

From hotel newsletters to drip marketing, we’ll keep your brand top of mind, drive conversions, and nurture brand loyalty. Get made-for-your-guests email campaigns that knock readers’ socks off.

Hotel copywriter consultation

Content review and editing 💯

If you’ve been wondering why you’re not getting more web traffic or why people aren’t booking direct, then it’s time for a copywriting consult. To be more precise, I’m talking about an in-depth content review with me—your trusted hotel copywriter.

This is where I take a close, hard (and sometimes painful) look at what you’ve got and why it’s not working. I can either guide you on key points that need fixing or, if you’d rather NOT slave over every little word on every last page, I’ll do the clean-up work for you. It’s totally up to you.

The important thing is, with me as your content editing ally, we’ll make sure what you write does what it’s supposed to. And when we’re done, your marketing materials will live up to expectations. You’ll have radiant copywriting you can be proud of!


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